Cum sa-ti ingrijesti pielea – Partea 1/ How to take care of your skin – Part 1

Buna tuturor,

Azi va voi oferi cateva sfaturi despre cum sa va pregatiti pielea inainte de machiaj pentru ca acesta sa arate cat mai natural si mai armonios dupa aplicare.

1. curata – o piele curata inseamna o aplicare cat mai frumoasa a machiajului si reducerea numarului de produse cosmetice folosite, deoarece nu mai aveti nevoie de acoperire mare. Este recomandata folosirea unui produs de curatare a fetei in fiecare zi. Aveti grija sa folositi unul indicat tipului de piele pe care il aveti. Eu am tenul normal si folosesc Bioten Elmiplant gel de curatare cu miere si arnica. Acesta imi ofera senzatia de curatenie si stralucire a pielii. Il masez timp de aproximativ 30 de secunde in fiecare zi.

Bioten Elmiplant gel de curatare cu miere si arnica

2. tonifica – cel mai bun toner pentru orice tip de ten este apa rece. Aceasta micsoreaza porii si pune sangele in miscare, astfel ajuta pielea sa se mentina tanara si revigorata. De asemenea, puteti gasi si in magazine toner potrivit fiecarui tip de ten. Daca aveti tenul sau zona T foarte grasa, pe zona problematica, este recomandata utilizarea unui toner care contine pudra (precum Eau Thermale Avene Cleanance Anti-Shine Purifying Lotion Toner) sau alcool. Daca aveti alt tip de ten stati departe de acest tip de produse, deoarece vor ajunge sa va usuce prea mult pielea.

Eau Thermale Avene Cleanance Anti-Shine Purifying Lotion Toner

3. hidrateaza – asigura-te ca zona ochilor, fata, gatul si decolteul sunt bine hidratate. Acest pas nu trebuie omis, indiferent de tipul de ten pe care il aveti. Pentru zona ochilor eu prefer sa folosesc o crema speciala, considerand ca zona respectiva este foarte delicata si predispusa la riduri. O aplic cu degetul inelar prin miscari usoare, fara sa intind sau sa trag de pielea din jurul ochilor.


Este de dorit sa aplicati o crema hidratanta dupa ce v-ati spalat fata, iar pielea este inca putin umeda (nu uda!). Aplicati-o prin miscari lejere si circulare, iar apoi asteptati 5-10 minute inainte de a aplica machiajul pentru a se absorbi bine in piele. Pentru zi este recomandata o crema usoara care sa se absoarba repede, sa nu lase pielea uleioasa si sa contina un factor de protectie solara (FPS) adecvat – de cel putin 15 in timpul iernii si peste 35 in perioada verii.

PS: Nu este recomandata utilizarea unui FPS atunci cand stiti ca veti face fotografii, deoarece fata va fi mult mai alba.

De asemenea, pentru o piele hidratata si frumoasa (dar si pentru sanatate) este important sa bem multa apa.

Sper ca v-au fost utile sfaturile de mai sus. Daca aveti intrebari sau sugestii nu ezitati sa-mi lasati comentarii mai jos.


Hi everyone,

Today I’ll give you some tips on how to prepare your skin before makeup for it to look natural and harmonious after application.

1. clean – clean skin means a more beautiful makeup application and reducing the number of cosmetics used because you don’t need high coverage. It’s recommended to use a facial cleanser every day. Just make sure you use the appropriate one for your skin type. I have normal skin and I use a Romanian product – Bioten Elmiplant gel de curatare cu miere si arnica (Bioten Elmiplant cleansing gel with honey and arnica) which gives me a clean look and makes my skin radiant. I use it once a day massaging it on my face for about 30 seconds.

Bioten Elmiplant gel de curatare cu miere si arnica

2. tone – the best toner for all skin types is cold water. It refines pores and increases blood flow. This helps to keep skin young and rejuvenated. You can also find toner in stores for each type of skin. If your skin or the T-zone is very oily, it is recommended to use a toner containing powder (like Eau Thermale Avene Cleanance Anti-Shine Purifying Lotion Toner) or alcohol. If you have another type of skin, stay away from these for types of products as they can dry it up.

Eau Thermale Avene Cleanance Anti-Shine Purifying Lotion Toner

3. hydrate – make sure the eye area, face, neck and decollete are well moisturized. This step shouldn’t be overlooked, regardless of the skin type you have. For the eyes I prefer to use a special cream, considering that this area is very delicate and prone to wrinkles. I apply it with my ring finger using slight movements without stretching or pulling the skin around the eyes.


The moisturizer must be applied after you wash your face and the skin is still slightly damp (not wet!). Apply it loosely in circular motions, and then wait 5-10 minutes for the moisturizer to absorb well into the skin before applying the makeup. For daytime it’s recommended to use a light moisturizer that can be absorbed quickly and not leave the skin oily. Also it must contain an appropriate sun protection factor (SPF) – at least 15 in winter and 35 in summer.

PS: It’s not recommended to use SPF above 15 when you know you’ll have pictures taken, because of flashback.

Also, for a well hydrated and beautiful skin (and of course healthy) it’s important to drink lots of water.

I hope you’ll find these tips helpful. If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to leave your comments below.

7 thoughts on “Cum sa-ti ingrijesti pielea – Partea 1/ How to take care of your skin – Part 1

    1. Thank you! 🙂
      Yes, I like it. I tried a coupe of samples before buying it because it’s quite expensive.
      It’s a lightweight moisturizer and I don’t need to much. I use about the size of a 10 bani coin for both my face and my neck. It keeps me hydrated all day and gives radiance to the skin, but please keep in mind that I also use a night cream (spoiler alert: I’ll talk about it in the next post 😀 ). I’m about half way through it and I have it for a few months now.

      PS: Not sure if I’ll repurchase it because I may want to try out a few others, but nonetheless it’s a good lightweight moisturizer (although no SPF as far as I know).

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you! Yes, it’s expensive that’s why afraid to buy:/ Always like that with expensive skin care. I don’t care about spf as I usually use foundation with spf.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Am gasit o crema de zi foarte draguta, de la Gerovital. E un recipient cu pompita si costa putin. Pentru tenul meu este foarte buna, eu avand tenul gras, iar aceasta crema este matifianta. Poate o incerci sa vezi cum este pentru tine 🙂
    Kisses :*

    Liked by 1 person

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