Cum sa-ti ingrijesti pielea – Partea 2/ How to take care of your skin – Part 2

Buna tuturor,

Azi vom vorbi despre partea a doua din aceasta serie, si anume, pregatirea pielii pentru noapte.

1. demachiaza – imi place sa folosesc, in general, apa micelara pentru toata fata. Acest tip de produs actioneaza foarte bine mai ales la nivelul ochilor si buzelor. Apa micelara de la Garnier este preferata mea deoarece nu-mi irita ochii si indeparteaza in mod eficient machiajul. Cum o folosesc:

a) pentru zona ochilor: stropesc cateva picaturi de apa micelara pe un disc de bumbac si apoi aplic discul umed peste ochi, asteptand 20-30 de secunde inainte sa-l indepartez. Repet procesul pana reusesc sa-mi indepartez machiajul din zona ochilor. De asemenea, este de preferat sa se foloseasca discuri separate pentru fiecare ochi, deoarece in cazul in care un ochi este infectat sa nu se transfere problema si la celalat.

PS: Pentru a nu ajuta ridurile sa apara mai repede, este indicat sa nu tragem sau sa aplicam prea multa presiune pe zona ochilor.

b) pentru buze: este recomandat sa se foloseasca un disc de bumbac separat pentru aceasta zona, altfel vom imprastia culoarea pe toata fata.

c) pentru fata si gat – folosesc aproximativ 2-3 discuri imbibate cu apa micelara. Curat machiajul prin miscari de jos in sus pentru a mentine elasticitatea pielii si a preveni aparitia prematura a ridurilor.


2. curata – pentru acest pas folosesc acelasi produs si aceeasi metoda din Partea 1 a acestei serii. Consider ca pasul acesta este important deoarece demachiantele nu reusesc mereu sa curate in profunzime porii.


Optional: tonifica – dupa acesti 2 pasi se poate folosi un toner care hidrateaza si echilibraza pH-ul pielli.

3. hidrateaza – in fiecare seara folosesc o crema de ochi (aceeasi din timpul zilei) si o crema de noapte, care trebuie sa fie mai grasa si mai hidratanta decat cea pe care o folosesc in timpul zilei. Momentan folosesc Crema Regeneranta de Noapte de la NIVEA. Nu este preferata mea deoarece mi se pare putin lipicioasa in pimele 20 de minute dupa aplicare, dar reuseste sa-mi hidrateze pielea si sa-i ofere acesteia stralucire naturala.


Sper ca v-a placut articolul si ati gasit cateva sfarturi utile in el. Care este rutina voastra de frumuseste pentru seara?


Hi everybody,

Today I’ll talk about the second part of this series: how to prep you skin for nighttime.

1. remove makeup – I like to use mostly micellar water for my face. This type of product acts very well mostly for eyes and lips. The micellar water from Garnier is my favorite because it doesn’t irritate my eyes and removes efficiently all my makeup. How do I use it:

a) for the eye area: I apply a few drops of micellar water on a cotton pad and then I place the pad over the eye, waiting for 20-30 seconds before removing it. I’m repeating the process until I get to remove all the makeup around my eye. Also, it’s preferably to use separate cotton pads for each eye, because if one of the eye is infected, we won’t transfer the problem to the other.

PS: To help the wrinkles not appear faster, it’s ideal not to pull or put too much pressure on the eye area.

b) for lips: it’s recommended to use a separate cotton pad for this area, otherwise we’ll spread the color allover the face.

c) for face and neck: I use approximately 2-3 cotton pads soaked in micellar water. I remove my makeup using upward motions to keep the skins elasticity and to prevent the premature wrinkles.


2. clean – for this step I use the same product and method as i used in Part 1 of this series. I think that tis step is important because usually makeup removers can’t clean in depth the pores.


Optional: tone – after these 2 steps you can use a toner to hydrate and balance the skins pH.

3. hydrate – each night I use an eye cream (the same I use during daytime) and a night cream, which should be fatter and hydrating than the one I use during the day. Right now I’m using the Regenerating Night Cream from NIVEA. It’s not my favorite because it’s a bit sticky in the first 20 min after applying it, but it hydrates my skin and offers it a natural glow.


I hope you liked the article and found some useful tips in it. What is your night beauty routine?

13 thoughts on “Cum sa-ti ingrijesti pielea – Partea 2/ How to take care of your skin – Part 2

  1. My routine is very alike. I also remove makeup with micellar solution from Bioderma. I tried Bioderma, Loreal, Garnier. Bioderma gel then toner (I used it all the time and then I stopped and didn’t notice any change so I didn’t use it for some time and now I have some exfoliating. Not sure whether it exfoliates or now:D), cream. I have two moisturizing creams and one more for problem skin. AA I have also eye cream from some romanian brand and it’s so big I think it will last me for years:D

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I’d like too:D If I don’t use some cream around my eyes lines become more evident. Of course it’s better to smile and have fine lines than walk with dramatic face:D But sometimes I don’t wear glasses in summer and squint (new word! just translated as I didn’t know in english) eyes. I use now Cosmetic Plant eye contour cream with green tea. It has 30 ml, which is double than usual eye creams. I bought it previous year in the end of autumn I guess and I didn’t use even half of it:))

        Liked by 1 person

      2. It’s not the one. It’s ok. Not expensive. 30 ml, glass bottle, has pump. Very good packaging. I can’t tell anything bad about itl.It does moisturize skin under eyes but nothing special I think. I’d not buy it again. I don’t know what cream even to try next. I read reviews and feels like all creams are just ok. I know that cream can’t do miracles but still there are always some better options somewhere:)

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Thank you for the small review. I thought that maybe next time I’ll try something more highend. Maybe something from Benefit. I’ll still have to do a lot of research for this.


      4. Why from Benefit? You read some good reviews? I recently read good reviews about Shiseido benefiance eye cream. It’s anti-wrinkle cream. Heard it’s very nourishing and moisturizing. And good for night. But it’s soo expensive. I think it’s around 200 lei. :/


      5. To be honest, I’m not sure 🙂 I’ve heard some great reviews about they’re eye creams and some people say it’s just OK. I’m still on the fence about this issue. Fortunately I don’t have to make a decision now. Maybe in 6 month as I have a lot of the one I use now and it works OK.
        The Benefit ones aren’t that far from that price – I think they’re about 100-130 lei. I think I really need to think about this as I don’t like to waste my money on a product that does the same thing (or worse) as a 20 lei one. I’ll have to look into Sephora’s policy about buying/ trying small sampes and then compare them.
        PS: Thank you for telling me about Shiseido.


      6. Yes, I understand you. I also not sure about this expensive creams. I remembered new brand appeared in Sensiblu, greek brand (dermatocosmetice I think) Frezyderm. I recently bought moisturizing cream 20+ after reading only good reviews and I saw they have eye cream. I’m reading reviews actually right now:D It’s around 100 lei.


      7. And I never asked for samples of skin care in sephora. I don’t know why, too shy?:D I asked whether they have sample of makeup base but they said I can try it only here. Really?:D Should I wash my makeup and come to try it:D I think they actually have some small plastic jar (I saw once near sephora creams) but I didn’t see for long time.

        Liked by 1 person

      8. Yeah, I know! It’s so frustrating that we can’t have samples (and I’m willing to buy them, if needed). I think this is a issue in Romania, in general. I went to Austria a month ago and when I bought something from Douglas and Marionnaud and I received so many samples for free. In the same stores, in Timisoara, I never received anything after a purchase from them.
        I always hear the girls (from other countries) on YouTube saying they just go and take/buy samples when they’re not sure about what shade they are. I may try to look for a Douglas this weekend in Germany, maybe I’ll have some luck and I’ll succeed to return with some samples of eye cream.


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