Happy anniversary – 1 year


Hello everybody,

And happy anniversary to my blog! Yesterday marked exactly 1 year since I published my first article.

This article isn’t anything like I wrote so far here. This is an article where write about my experience accumulated in the past year and hopefully it will make sense 😀

For me, numbers don’t really matter, so I won’t talk about that here.

My idea, when I started this blog, was a little selfish: I wanted to have a place where I can record all my opinions about the products I’m using. I wanted to make comparisons and state my favorite products so I can be able to look back after some time and remember what worked for me and what didn’t.

Plus I wanted to share some other things that interest me – like books, cooking or traveling. Unfortunately I didn’t have time, so far, to post articles related to the last two, but I hope that will change soon.

Continue reading “Happy anniversary – 1 year”

Ceva nou

This article isn’t in English because I’m creating a giveaway only for people living on Romanian territory. I’m sorry but I promise next time I’ll try to make an international giveaway. I hope you understand. Kisses and see you next week with a review.

Buna tuturor,

Si bine v-am regasit pe blogul meu. Dupa cum spune si titlul, acest articol este ceva nou pentru mine. Asta se datoreaza faptului ca pe 21 martie aniversez 1 an de la publicarea primului meu articol pe acest blog!

Sunt foarte mandra ca am reusit sa postez cate un articol in fiecare saptamana, chiar daca nu mereu aveam foarte mult timp la dispozitie.

De asemenea, sunt extrem de bucuroasa ca s-au  strans cativa oameni care ma urmaresc in fiecare saptamana. Si ca sa vedeti cat de fericita ma faceti, vreau sa fac un concurs care va fi deschis pana in data de 21 martie, inclusiv.

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